


In Umeå on 21-22 September, the conference "Dialogue on futures beyond growth" was held. A great meeting place where many of eXpressions creators, artists organised and participated together with researchers and change agents.

The climate crisis is a profound cultural crisis for all humanity and we need to make a radical change towards a sustainable future. The conference explored, from different perspectives and in a co-creative process, possible futures where ecological balance, justice and well-being are more important societal goals than economic growth. The whole event generated a high level of national engagement. The conference in Umeå was the largest of its kind, with over 180 participants from all over Sweden.


Evelin Gyllenram, one of the organisers and eXpression creator, is passionate about creating a sustainable future and had this to say about the conference: 

"I think a lot of people are longing for sanctuary. A place where they can feel alive, seen, as free people with creative power and not just as consumers in a system that feels hopeless to influence. I think it's when we truly meet and see other people with the same longing for a different pace and a healthier relationship with nature and each other that we feel hope, purpose, and power. We need each other now more than ever, and we need to feel that there are many of us who want to see a change."

Peder Karlsson, who is also one of the organisers of the conference and also an eXpression creator, has a background as a singer and artist. In 1984 he co-founded the vocal group The Real Group and in 2012 he moved from Stockholm to Umeå. At a sustainability course in Umeå in the autumn of 2014, he met Pella Thiel, who started the Resettlement Network, and since 2016 he is the chairman of End Ecoside Sweden.

"Climate change is one of many symptoms of systemic failure. We need to stop treating symptoms and change the system fundamentally. This implies a reassessment of the relatively short-term project of 'civilization'. If we look at the evolution of humanity as a whole. Reshaping is about formulating next steps. It is difficult to break out of old ingrained patterns of thought. This is precisely why it is important to do so. It is not enough to criticise "hierarchies of domination", or "patriarchy" or "capitalism" or "socialism". We need to formulate and actively create something new. A social system that we have not seen before."


Maxim Vlasov, PhD student at Umeå School of Business, is one of the initiators of the conference and the transition network. On 22 October, he was also with us at eXpression and gave a lecture to a packed audience and we asked him to tell us more about his research.

"My research is about ecopreneurs trying to get off the treadmill. Ecopreneurship means starting up businesses and initiatives where ecology is at the core of the business. My particular study focuses on the new green wave where people are changing their lifestyles and occupations by starting farms in both urban and rural areas. I am interested in one's personal transition, motivations, and not least the challenges of being a transition agent in our existing economic system where profit often appears as the primary goal of entrepreneurship.

It is urgent to leave the unsustainable growth economy. Study after study points out that the dream of green growth is unrealistic and that the economy needs to be rebalanced to respect the planet's limits. There is also a growing movement in both academia and civil society that is exploring the possibilities for a future where GDP growth is not a primary societal goal. However, the paths to this goal are many, complex and challenging, which means that we must meet in dialogue and dare to vision together. It is in dialogue that social innovations are born."


Peder says there are many ways to get involved in change and often it's the small steps that are most important - because they affect the way we look at life:

"At a local level: strengthening the surrounding systems. The fact that all municipalities in Sweden are pushing for continued growth simply does not work. You don't need to be a mathematician to see that, common sense is enough. We simply have to start working together instead of competing for space. Look at the big picture. What is good, not just for human activities, but for ecosystems as a whole? What can we do in Umeå that is mutually enriching and inclusive for smaller towns around; Lycksele, Robersfors, Vindeln, Storuman, Sorsele etc. and the rural areas around them? In other words: invest in Relationships instead of Competition."

Evelin says we need to encourage each other, support each other, so that we can continue to be brave and innovative and stand up for what we feel is true.

"To keep our visions and dreams alive, I think it's important that we reclaim our time, to the extent that we can, even if only half an hour a day to start with, and dedicate it to what we really feel is important and meaningful in real terms.

I think it's good if we're a bit more selective in our lives simply. Continuing to surround ourselves with and actively seek out people and situations that provide inspiration and positive energy, and actively selecting out things that don't.  

So that we are constantly getting a little closer to what we want or wish to see and create."


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