


Game development and creator networking as the cultural incubator lobby grows. Last Friday, it was decided that creARTive will gain four new members spread across Sweden.

Go Business provides support to people who want to live on their passion in the northern parts of Sweden with two different incubator programmes.

 But the best thing we offer is still the network of entrepreneurs who share similar challenges, says the director Marcus Olsson. And because we have our heart in the creative industries, this opportunity to share knowledge and influence decision-makers together is very important to us. 

Niclas Melin at NetPort, Science Park in Karlshamn as has digital media as one of its three focus areas, agrees:

 We want to get to know more promoters in the field of KKN* and we hope to find new collaborations and project opportunities. Membership is also a good fit now that we are expanding with a new building including a cinema, concert hall and exhibition space. 

The third member who welcomed is East Sweden Game, a community and a gathering place for all game developers in Östergötland. Tomas Ahlström is responsible for operations: 

We have felt that the traditional incubators don't really speak the same language as us. Those who come to us are primarily driven by creating a unique experience rather than having a perfect business model. When we started talking to creARTive, we immediately felt that we share many experiences. 

High Coast Creative based in Örnsköldsvik, is another network, with a focus on supporting creators' conditions for good business. The President Johanna Forsberg sees membership of creARTive as further strengthening:

 We become stronger ourselves by becoming part of a broader platform. Our creators get more contacts and involvement in issues related to KKN. 

So what can these new members can expect in the coming year? The agenda includes court visits to ministries of culture and business, the establishment of with government agencies and organisations, and a push for a Nordic-Baltic network of cultural incubators.

eXpression Umeå is one of the initiators and founders of the national interest group creARTive, which brings together incubators for the artistic, cultural and creative industries in Sweden. Now the organisation is being strengthened in northern Sweden and with more incubators towards gaming. In northern Sweden, a strong structure is now being created to support the creative industry with eXpression Umeå, High Coast Creatives in Örnsköldsvik, Hub063 in Östersund and Go Business in Piteå, Luleå and Skellefteå. 

By gathering strength for the creative industries in the north and throughout Sweden, we can together influence decision-makers, financiers and others. Our absolute mission is to support and empower artists, creators and their creative businesses, one that stands for a creativity and resilience that is needed today more than ever along with a strong sense of responsibility for a sustainable future," says Marlene Johansson, CEO eXpression Umeå.

If you want to know more about creARTive's activities, please contact the Chairman of the Board, Martin Q Larsson, +46 73 960 70 26,

Members of creARTive from 29 May 2020:

Klump Subtopia: 
eXpression Umeå:
HUB063/Klump Östersund
Go Business:
NetPort Science Park:
East Sweden Game: 
High Coast Creative:

*KKN is an abbreviation for Cultural and Creative Industries


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