A clear sign of spring for us at eXpression is when the express programme welcomes new and aspiring entrepreneurs into the incubator. Ten idea carriers are now ready to test and develop their creative business ideas, and as usual, there is a broad representation of companies and industries. You can read the list here.
We are always struck by the great energy of the new incubator participants. It is truly a privilege to share an entire spring with them and see how they take steps from idea to realisation. In the long run, I believe that this group of people will run sustainable and viable companies," says Fanny Lindénwho is responsible for the express programme together with Emil Hägglund.
The express business development programme is designed to support creators at an early stage of their development journey. It consists of nine workshops that allow participants to explore and refine their projects in a stimulating and creative environment, while expanding their networks.
Over a period of six months, participants are offered access to co-working spaces and personalised business coaching, contributing to both personal and professional development.
Spring business ideas and companies:
- Anvil Engineering - William Haldammen, product development
- Educe (Public education) - David Karlström, education
- Future Coffees - Michal Salamonik, food and drink
- Fields and lines Studio - Linda Lindkvist, architecture and design
- Ceramist/artist - Nurse Hedström, craftsmanship
- CompressMates - Melker Sjöberg, product development
- Music horizons - Therese Nilsson, music
- North Garden Design - Stina Wallin, product development
- VoxAnna/The Shining World - Anna Kollberg, music and well-being
- Recycled interior designers - Lotta Edlund, reuse