Illustrator Tobias Nordin has long been enchanted by the escapist adventures of Norse mythology. Through his start-up company Nordink, he delivers colourful cartoons, concept art and graphic design with a strong focus on storytelling. Leaving nothing to chance, Tobias believes in building businesses from the ground up and giving himself the time and opportunity to develop as an entrepreneur.
For Tobias, drawing has always been a natural part of life. His interest was sparked by a relative three years his senior, whose natural talent captivated both Tobias and his older brother. There and then he was hooked. The passion for creation and Norse mythology has since developed and today he is part of the express programme - where he has chosen to develop his business.
- I am proud of the illustrative quality I offer and my unique storytelling niche, namely imaginative adventures based on Nordic folklore and mythology. Asa gods, goblins, giants and goblins have long been popular, but Nordic folklore is so much more than that. I want to show the breadth and at the same time deliver high quality stories. It's very inspiring to be able to do this on my own and develop my entrepreneurship," says Tobias Nordin.

Game development is close to my heart
Tobias is constantly involved in and committed to game development. It's an exciting industry that is growing like wildfire, not least in northern Sweden, which also has a solid reputation. Nordink's niche fits like a glove and the fact that he himself is a big enthusiast with many ideas doesn't make it any worse. There is an exciting opening here for establishing new collaborations.
- Sweden is at the forefront of gaming development and the trend of gaming companies congregating in larger cities is beginning to wane. That's why it's great to see more initiatives being implemented in northern Sweden. The future is bright, not least for indie developers in Umeå. I hope to contribute ideas as an illustrator, storyteller and enthusiast. I already have several exciting contacts.

Creative entrepreneurship in the veins
Going into business comes naturally to Tobias. Not shying away from personal development and new challenges has proven to be an important asset right from the start. This, combined with the fact that he never does things by halves, puts him in a good position to succeed. Because it's important to build your entrepreneurship on a solid foundation.
- Starting my own business is a logical step for me, for my own development and for what I want to achieve in the future. I want to do as good a job as possible right from the start.

Not lying on the lazy side directly
For Nordink, there is a lot going on in the next six months. Right now, a couple of web series and an edition of cool t-shirts on the theme of sustainability are waiting. Then new design collaborations with companies in Umeå and Skellefteå. There are also at least a handful of comics in production, both digital and print. At the same time, the ambition is to work more with game development.
- I am committed to working closer with both large and small game studios. Right now there is a lot of exciting things happening on the indie scene in the north, not least in the regional cooperation Arctic Game Lab but also in the form of other local initiatives (including a joint venture between Uminova Innovation and eXpression Umeå). I look forward to contributing with my passion," says Tobias Nordin.
Name: Tobias Nordin
Age: 23
Bor: At Tomtebo in Umeå
Preferably eat: Teriyaki beef with fried vegetables
Last read book: The Wandering Inn, a webnovella by PirateAba (onlinealias).
TV series I recommend: I don't watch many TV series but I can recommend The Witcher on Netflix.
I relate colours to all words, concepts and thoughts. The most common way is to relate the days of the week to individual colours, but I do it to most things. For example, a film I watch gets one colour, the story of the film gets another and in addition individual scenes get their colours. It's probably some kind of synesthesia, but it's something I use when both drawing and telling stories - as a guide in my creative process.