It's not long now until Design Week kicks off with exhibitions, live broadcasts, panel discussions and lots of meetings between people - physically and digitally. eXpression Umeå has a lot going on and here we have gathered the most important events you shouldn't miss. Design Week is organised by the network and collaboration platform Design by Umeå.
(Tuesday 1 Sep, 12:00-13:00, Digital)
eXpression Umeå celebrates 6 years as an incubator by inviting all creative entrepreneurs and creators in Umeå to an energetic digital event - live from Curiosum on the artistic campus. The aim is both to make visible the innovative power that exists within the creative industries and to spread all the inspiration and energy that surrounds the amazing local community of creators.
Participants include Random Bastards, Bryggverket, Proto Proto and Östensson Design Studio.
The conversation is led by Annakarin Nyberg, eXpression Umeå.
Organiser: eXpression Umeå
" Sign up here
(Friday 4 Sep, 15:00-17:00, School of Architecture/Digital)
A collection of nationally recognized experts delve into the meaning of the physical workshop and tactile creation from a digital context. In addition, the opportunity for young talent to develop creatively at school will be addressed, as will the role of higher education in both maintaining and developing the world-leading role it has taken in the creative and artistic fields.
Participants include Ambra TrottoRISE, Thomas Degn, UID, Clemens Thornquist, Borås Textile College, Marlene Johansson, eXpression Umeå, Madelen BodinCuriosum, Åsa Jaensson, aesthetic subjects, UmU, Maria Östensson, Östensson Design.
The conversation is led by Lotta Ahlvar, Chairman of Swedish Design.
Organizers: Proto Proto in collaboration with eXpression Umeå and Design by Umeå.
" Sign up here
(Monday 31 Aug, 19:00, Elektra)
Anna Parry from Proto Projects are on a lifelong journey of discovery to find the answers to how we can live better and create a better future through creativity. During Design Week she is kicking off a series of conversations with interesting people who have cracked the code, first up is Mats Widbom, CEO of Svensk Form. Maximum 50 people, so first come first served.
Organiser: Proto Proto
" Link to the event (max 50 people)
(Thursday 3 Sep, 12:00, Utopia/Digital)
Designers Camilla Arnbert talks with Linnéa Therese Dimitriou about his exhibition SURFACED PRINT. "I am fascinated by methods where the process is allowed to leave a clear mark on the end result. By exposing heat-sensitive materials to a printing technique involving high temperatures, I have here explored the relationship between texture, print motif and movement."
Organiser: Ung Svensk Form and eXpression Umeå
" Sign up here
(Thursday 3 Sep, 15:00, eXpression Pop-In, MVG-gallerian/Digitalt)
Anna Lidström, researcher in sustainable fashion at the Swedish School of Textiles in Borås, designer and co-founder of the F/ACT Movement, talks about sustainable and circular fashion in a discussion moderated by Phil. Dr. Annakarin Nyberg, Internet researcher and programme manager of the eXpression Future Retail Lab. Umeå's f/activists are presented and Anna Moström, project manager for F/ACT Movement in Umeå.
Organiser: eXpression Umeå
" Sign up here
(Wed-Thurs 2-3 Sep, Väven/Digital)
The role of the Culture and Creative Industries in preparation for the EIT CCI KIC.
The Culture and Creative Industries (CCI) are leading on gender equality and inclusion, facilitating cross-domain innovation and promoting early adopters of emerging technologies. In this international conference and high-level expert meeting there will be discussions on the ways in which plans for a Knowledge and Innovation Community can benefit the development of goal-oriented, hybrid innovations, new business models and creative technology prototyping that is crucial for future development in Europe.
Organizers: design by Umeå
" Sign up here
Creators from eXpression Umeå and High Coast Creative will exhibit and sell their products. Visit the exhibition in the MVG gallery, eXpression Pop-In.
" More info here
Young creators and designers exhibit their work in Utopia throughout the week. Well worth a visit! Stay tuned for more events in the space.
eXpression Umeå is part of the collaborative platform Design By Umeå, which is a network of several different actors who all work to make visible the region's creative soul where co-creation, innovation, world-improvement, passion and progressiveness are natural ingredients. The culmination of the collaboration is reached by Design Week. More info on Design by Umeå you will find at