It is now clear that the venerable Zetas nursery in Stockholm is adding the Ängsfälla flower press to its range. Sales are expected to start sometime in early October.
- It is a great recognition, says a happy Karin Holmberg.
Zetas has long been a dream dealer for the family business Ängsfälla. That this is now becoming a reality is a direct result of Karin and her daughter Elin, who is the designer behind the product, exhibited at Formex together with a number of other environmental designers.
- Zetas has been a dream because it is a garden with a long heritage, beautiful environment and style and the products are always carefully selected. Now we hope to reach more customers with an eye for design, plants and creativity," says Karin.

According to Karin, Zetas has expressed that they want to encourage and arouse interest in arranging and pressing plants with Ängsfälla.
- It fits so well with Elin's intentions with the products. The philosophy we stand on is based on encouraging self-creation. That each Ängsfälla becomes a personal and living interior detail, says Karin Holmberg.