
Digital business development

Digital business development

At the end of December 2021, it was announced that we will once again work from home, as far as possible. The announcement means that after a period of physical work meetings and a partial return to being on-site at our workplaces, we are once again advised to work digitally. 

In the innovation support system and other business support activities, we, like the rest of the business community and society at large, have reoriented and found new ways of doing our work in line with recommendations on, for example, social distancing. Physical meetings have been replaced by digital ones, and we are now used to discussing and collaborating via, for example, Teams and Zoom. The changing environment has brought new ways of doing business development and coaching and we, like the companies we work with, have adapted to new technologies, new ways of organising work and new meeting structures.  

Digital opportunities

With almost two years of experience of the changed conditions, we can say that the business development processes have evolved positively in terms of the possibilities to continuously, quickly and smoothly follow up and reconcile milestones together with the companies we develop. This in turn has created the conditions for, for example, faster progress in the development of companies' services and products, as well as in the development of their structure and organisation. An important aspect of business development is also to create the conditions for personal development, i.e. for the entrepreneur to increase his or her business skills. Our experience shows that those enterprises that have adapted flexibly and responsively to new ways of working have also developed on a personal level.  

During the pandemic, digitalisation has accelerated and one positive consequence is about the ability of innovation and business promotion activities to reach out more widely. Those activities that have retooled and, for example, streamed talks and lectures, conducted webinars and held digital gatherings via Teams and Zoom, have reached a larger number of companies seeking new knowledge and new networks.  

Digital challenges

The experience of the pandemic also shows that business development processes have come under challenge. New technologies and digitalisation not only bring benefits, they also present challenges. In addition to the importance of access to and mastery of technology, new demands have been made for a clearer meeting structure and for rules of engagement on how meetings can and should be conducted. This in turn has had implications for hierarchies and power balances which have sometimes been challenged and changed. Those who have previously had the natural responsibility and leadership role in the physical space have not, of course, retained their place in the digital counterpart, just as those who have not had their say in the physical space may have new opportunities to take their place digitally. Our ability to express ourselves through body language has also changed and, in general, it is more difficult to read other people's reactions and engagement. Finally, it should also be pointed out that the same positive speed and agility mentioned earlier in terms of the ability to do check-ins and follow-ups digitally, also has a downside. The pace can potentially reduce opportunities for that all-important time for reflection. 

Reflection questions: digital business development 

  • What has worked well for you in digital business development? 
  • What positive lessons will you take with you into the future? 
  • What has worked less well for you in the context of digital business development? 
  • What do you consider to be a good digital meeting structure and culture? How can you contribute to this? 
  • What experiences do entrepreneurs have with digital business development? If you don't know about them, how can you increase your awareness?  
  • How can and should these lessons be implemented in the business development activities you are part of? 

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