


Minna was born and raised in Umeå. After three years of travelling abroad, she returned to her hometown to study the International Business Program at Umeå School of Economics. After two overseas semesters in Lisbon and Copenhagen, she is now working at eXpression with an alternative business model and a tool developed to measure value creation in cultural and creative industries by researchers at Umeå University.

Minna, you've been travelling the world but have moved back to Umeå, how come?  

I chose to move back to Umeå because I missed being close to friends and family combined with I was curious about the international focus of the MSc programme at Umeå University, which is actually quite unique to Umeå. I have always had a great passion for travelling and living abroad, so I felt that the international specialization could help me increase the possibilities for an international career. Four years later, however, I feel quite comfortable starting my career within Sweden's borders. 

You are the latest addition to the staff of eXpression Umeå. What is your connection to the artistic, cultural and creative industries? 

I've always had a great interest in fashion, design and music, so I've always aimed to work in something in those industries. Alongside my studies, I worked in a clothing store in the city. In addition to this, I have grown up with a mother who is very interested in design in the form of interior design, a father who has been involved in music, and I myself enjoyed drawing and painting to a great extent as a child.  

I also like working with new companies, this spring I've been working with marketing and communications at a new tech company in Umeå. 

In the research project you and researchers from the School of Economics are working on, you are investigating new business models, why? 

In short, the research aims to investigate and demonstrate how companies in the artistic, cultural and creative industries can interact with other companies to grow and become stronger together through cooperation and co-creation, thus creating value such as social, cultural and symbolic value rather than focusing mainly on economic value. In other words, how companies in these industries can grow broadly and create value by collaborating and sharing experience and knowledge within their networks rather than seeing each other as direct competitors. 

Keep an eye on eXpressions channels for more info on the project. 

Three quick ones with Minna Åberg

1) You say you like fashion, is there any brand you like particularly? 

I wouldn't say I have a specific "favourite brand" but I like to buy from many different brands. Lately, I've also become very interested in sustainable fashion and like to support brands that share that mindset! 

2) Which garment is your favourite?

I often appreciate "less is more", and thus my favourite items are often a pair of really nice jeans or a leather jacket. 

3) You like to travel, which place would you prefer to visit

Right now I'm very curious to either explore South America or go to the west coast of Australia! 


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