
LinkedIn became the illustrator's new platform for collaboration

LinkedIn became the illustrator's new platform for collaboration

Almost a year ago, Daria Chrobok decided to use LinkedIn as a platform for growth. It wasn't a foregone conclusion. At the time, she was struggling with social media and didn't have a good plan on how to move forward. Today, it's her main source of new business.

I didn't like social media in general but I wanted to tell others about my business and realised I needed to give it a go. After I really got to grips with it, my business has got a big boost," says Daria Chrobok.

Daria is basically a PhD in plant physiology and runs DC SciArt, which creates technical and scientific illustrations for the academic field.

Daria Chrobok chose LinkedIn as a platform for growth a year ago. It turned out to be just right for her.

Although the assignments kept rolling in, she felt it was time to take the next step in her communications work.

Social media had never appealed to her before. A big part of it was the feeling of insecurity about putting herself out there and taking space. That's why she was almost most surprised herself when she suddenly paid for a rather expensive LinkedIn online course.

It came to a point where I felt it was time to seek the help of an expert. I came across a person offering distance learning courses. She had something I wanted and I jumped at the chance. It turned out to be a stroke of luck," says Daria.

In the process, Daria realised that this social media thing was kind of fun. The cramped feeling eased a little further when she realised that you don't have to pretend, it's all about being yourself.

DC SciArt creates scientific illustrations. Advanced processes are made understandable through clever and easily digestible visualization.

People do business with other people, not with companies or organisations.

Daria Chrobok

One of the most important insights was that people do business with other people, not with companies or organisations. They don't want to see a logo, they want to see real people and get to know them," says Daria.

Although it was fun to get started, some resistance remained. The uncertainty wouldn't let up.

I started creating videos and posting them on LinkedIn. I was super insecure but the engagement grew and I started getting new clients pretty quickly. It was like a new world was slowly opening up," she says with a smile.

"Don't hide behind a logo". Daria uses LinkedIn to reach out to both new and old customers by focusing on things that create value.

Daria describes that she doesn't produce super-fashionable things, but loves to write and explore her own expression. The content is interspersed with illustrations, texts about high and low, and videos or pictures.

I try to convey emotions and energy, to show myself and be personal while keeping it professional.

The professional part has been a challenge for Daria. She grew up in a culture where money was more of a necessary evil than an asset. The online course she took helped her take new steps.

Yes, I have really needed to challenge myself to think differently and stretch myself, to not compromise and be more professional. It's important to learn to charge and realise your own value. I am grateful that I took courage and dared to go for it," concludes Daria Chrobok.


  • Fill in everything in your profile, it will help you reach further.
  • Have a good profile picture.
  • Decide what value you want to create and for whom.
  • Don't be afraid to expose yourself, don't hide behind a logo.
  • Set clear and measurable objectives.
  • Have a plan for what to publish and stick to it. This will help you to be continuous, which will help to increase your reach.
  • Help those who have gone before!


Visit the DC SciArts website and ensure that follow Daria on LinkedIn.


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