
New performing arts centre opens in Umeå

New performing arts centre opens in Umeå

On 2 June, Dotra Art Center will open its doors on the Ume River. The vision is a creative place where performing artists and other artists can network, develop and be inspired.
- The opening feels so very exciting! We have created a little mini-berlin club at Grisbacka," says Marit Shirin Carolasdotter.

The opening of the Dotra Art Centre takes place with much fanfare in the new premises located just upstream of the Umeå River.

During the evening there will be various performances and Marit will of course talk about the site and the plans for the future. But above all, it is an excellent opportunity to get to know new people and develop your network.

I want to create a place for interdisciplinary meetings where we can show our different cultures and create more together! A place where we can meet and support each other when we perform and try out new ideas," he says. Marit Shirin.

Come down to Godemansvägen on Friday evening, mingle on the outdoor terrace and be ready for an evening of inspiration.

VAD: Opening of the Dotra Art Centre
NEAR: 2 June, 18:00 - 19:00 hours
VAR: Godemansvägen 23

Find out more and register on the Dotra Art Centre website.


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