


Cole Roberts, one of the photographers behind Way up North, contacted Sisters in Law to be featured on their wedding blog. The contact developed into a collaboration and a photo workshop with 13 travellers in Lofoten.

Sisters in Law runs Sweden's largest wedding blog, which attracts a lot of interest from photographers who want to showcase their images for marketing purposes. It was when Cole Roberts, one of the founders of Way up North, made contact with Zanna Metzer, one of the founders of Sisters in Law, that the collaboration between the companies was initiated and that led to the photo workshop in Lofoten taking shape.

Thirteen travellers accompanied the trip, including photographers, models and lecturers. The aim of the trip was to empower wedding photographers with knowledge and tips in photography and business and to go home with a new portfolio of images. In addition, the trip generated a new network for all participants and images also for Ellen Marie Bridal which is Sisters in Law's bridal brand.

Zanna explains that they have built most of Sisters in Law's business around partnerships, with the understanding that they can't be experts in everything.

- "By working together, we can focus on what we do best, while benefiting others. Doing the photo workshop to Lofoten together with Way up North was very valuable for us. In addition to a bigger and stronger network, we also gained insight into wedding traditions in countries around Europe as well as positive feedback on our products and our vision, to innovate the wedding world" - says Zanna.

Zanna also says that several travellers have contacted her after the trip to show their appreciation and that the trip has given them a lot of energy to continue working. Many photographers have expressed interest in another trip, so planning for the autumn is already underway.

In addition to continuing to work with Way up North, Sisters in Law continues to collaborate with photographers around the world and in the coming weeks will be sending skirts to creative shoots in Spain, France, Sweden and other countries.

Sisters in Law's top three tips for successful partnerships

  1. Commitment from all partners in the cooperation.
  2. Gut feeling. For Sisters in Law, this means simple things like arriving on time, answering emails and personal chemistry.
  3. Win-win. That everyone gets something out of the cooperation and to dare to demand that everyone gets it.


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