
Mini and the planet lead the way for major fashion chain

Mini and the planet lead the way for major fashion chain

Almost two years ago, Mini and the Planet opened the doors to their shop in central Örnsköldsvik. With its circular business model of selling second-hand children's clothes in exchange for reimbursement to previous owners, Mini och planeten is now leading the way for an established fashion chain.

Last week, Lindex announced that they are establishing a pop-up shop for second-hand baby clothes in Gothenburg. This highlights the increasingly important role of second-hand. For Lindex, the business model is the same as the one Mini and Planeten have built their business around in Örnsköldsvik. That is, the former owners receive compensation for the clothes they return and which are then resold.

To see that our idea of a circular business model is being taken further by a large company is of course flattering. For us, it's about contributing to more sustainable consumption where clothes are used throughout their lifetime and not just for the short periods that they suit the first owner," says Anna Söderström, who runs Mini och Planeten together with her husband Martin Söderström.

Mini och planeten was established in Örnsköldsvik already in 2020 and since the beginning of the year has a new location in larger premises near Paradisbadet.

Our new location has given us the opportunity to expand our business with even more clothes for children aged 0-12 years with lots of well-known brands such as Polarn o. Pyret, Mini Rodini and Lindex. Now we also offer a complete range of products for families with children, such as prams, toys and children's books," continues Anna Söderström.

In Örnsköldsvik, in the heart of the High Coast, there are some 20 smaller shops and several larger retail chains. Mini och planeten is definitely one of the unique shops to be found in the town and with its unique concept it is well worth a visit. Mini och Planeten participated in eXpression's Future Retail Lab 2021-2022 accelerator programme and Mini och planeten also employs Ulrika Edholm (Bosse and Ester) who was previously part of eXpression Umeå's incubator programme.


Mini och planeten Lasarettsgatan 18B, Örnsköldsvik

Second hand shop with selected children's clothes in sizes 0-12 years, toys and strollers etc. Currently about 320 families from mainly Örnsköldsvik, Umeå and Stockholm but also other parts of the country.

Instagram @miniochplaneten

Website minioplanet.se

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