


On 22 January, eXpression Umeå organised a joint with Region Västerbotten and Umeå municipality a national future seminar at the Grand Hôtel in Stockholm. Together with researchers, decision-makers, experts and leading entrepreneurs discussed the creative industries opportunities and potential.

The aim of the seminar was to highlight the importance of creators in shaping the sustainable development of the future - how they challenge everything from business models to forms of collaboration and are a constant source of new inspiration.

Invited researchers, entrepreneurs and experts spoke from the theme "Creative and artistic entrepreneurship paves the way". The afternoon featured lectures, panel discussions and interviews reflecting the creative the strong growth, potential and opportunities of the creative industries.

The artistic and creative industries are generally stronger because their business models are based on co-creation, so creators are building their businesses on the breadth rather than the height and are reaching out more on the international stage through digital strategies," says Maria Bengtsson, Professor at the Umeå School of Business.

Demian Horst, responsible for strategic collaboration at Umeå Institute of Design spoke together with Anna Parry, designer and founder of Proto Proto. Together they highlighted the importance of how design builds on co-creation and in close dialogue with clients and users. How the design process is needed to address the global challenges we face.

Daniel Daboczy, founder of the crowdfunding platform FoundedbyMe which to date has raised nearly $650 million for its customers, was in the conversation about driving business through value-creating networks. He advocated that we should engage our customers instead of chasing them. Lotta Ahlvar, trend expert and textile designer said that it is in the meeting business happens and where you develop.

Jerry Engström, entrepreneur and former global marketing manager at Fjällräven, spoke about the Collaborative Economy and the Creative Norrland. He also shared the two secret ingredients for success - collaboration and creativity - not everything can be packaged but ideas are developed in collaboration, and that we should go big, preferably tenfold.

Shima Niavarani, actress and performer, spoke about creative entrepreneurship and argued that we should pave the way by letting go of and letting people take part in the established platforms.

Clara Lidström, digital entrepreneur, author and participated in a conversation about the future of sustainable entrepreneurship - the perspective of the researcher, the entrepreneur and the industry expert. She argues that:

Today, people run businesses with a different objective than traditional business, the important thing is not to achieve economic growth and being sustainable today is not only about ecological sustainability, but it is also about being able to live a sustainable life alongside business so that you can run your business. Building your business on the breadth is a business model that is becoming increasingly common.

In addition Anna Lidström, researcher at Borås School of Textiles, designer and stylist, Klara Leander, Business Developer at Doberman, Demian Horst, Deputy Prefect at Umeå School of Design, Anna Parry, co-founder of the design studio Proto Proto and Anna Olofsson, marketing manager Umeå municipality.

Guests also got to listen to jazz singer Irene Moragas together with pianist Jonas Andersson.

About Västerbotten at Grand Hôtel

In January each year, Västerbotten takes over the Grand Hôtel in Stockholm for three weeks. Actors from Västerbotten, Sweden and the world come together to exchange experiences, make new contacts, collaborate and influence. Both at national and international level.

This year Västerbotten was inaugurated at the Grand Hôtel for the 30th year in in a row. The weeks are organised by Region Västerbotten in collaboration with Skellefteå Kraft and Sparbanksstiftelsen Norrland.

The seminar is part of Västerbotten's joint initiative on Grand Hôtel which includes three weeks with the theme: "The sustainable leadership - gathering strength in equality, gender equality and trust". 

Marlene Johansson, CEO eXpression Umeå
070-674 95 39


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