
Fashion show in eXpression Pop-In

Welcome to the fashion show in the eXpression Pop-In. The fashion show is the closing event of eXpression fashion week and during the event, the week that has been is summarized and not least, collections from most fashion companies from the Umeå region are shown.

During week 39, eXpression Umeå's flow will be characterized by news, articles and events on the theme of fashion. During the week, reports on designers working in Umeå, trend analysis on the latest in the fashion world, innovative business models and events for fashion enthusiasts will be shared. The fashion show concludes this week.

Sustainability and fashion are two words that have historically been difficult to reconcile. That said, we have seen numerous initiatives to make the fashion world sustainable and these initiatives continue. One of these is the F/Act Movement and during the fashion show we will hear from Anna Moström who is leading this work locally in Umeå.

The evening ends with a fashion show where collections from most Umeå-based fashion companies are showcased. Among the participating companies are:

The fashion show is a collaboration between eXpression Umeå and uMe Projects.


Event Date: 

25 September 2020 -
25 September 2020
CLASS 19:00 -
During the event, conversations about sustainability aspects in fashion will be highlighted, and clothes from several fashion companies from the Umeå region will be on display.

For more info

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