
Jessica Eriksson nominated for Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2017

Jessica Eriksson nominated for Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2017

Nomination of the Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2017

Uminova eXpression nominates Jessica Eriksson for Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2017. Jessica is an entrepreneur with form in her blood who, with her vitality and creative joy, enriches Umeå's business community with her own colourful expression and feeling for the times.

With illustrations and creations that have elevated everything from buildings to clothing and jewellery, she has taken her creations to the world.

The company stands behind strong symbols such as the FATTA movement logo and, with its community involvement and collaborative spirit, has helped to strengthen not only its own brand but also that of others. Locally and nationally.

Jessica Eriksson, 070-212 84 58

About the prize

The Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award was established in 2004, with the aim of highlighting and raising awareness of young entrepreneurs. Nominations for the award are made by the organisations Uminova Innovation, BIC Factory, Uminova eXpression, and the Umeågalan organising group. The 2016 winner was Zunzun, and previous winners include EdelPhoto, Soja Film and EoE Glasses.

The winner will be announced during Umeågalan 9 November, 2017.


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