
Prince Daniel attends Young Startup Day in Umeå

Prince Daniel attends Young Startup Day in Umeå

Prince Daniel and three of Sweden's leading entrepreneurs talk about their entrepreneurial journeys and give concrete tips to secondary school students with their own business ideas. In addition, the companies nominated for the Young Entrepreneur of the Year award at the Umea Gala are revealed. All this and lots of inspiration from super entrepreneurs at this year's Young Startup Day in Väven.

Young Startup Day 19 September is this year's event for young entrepreneurs or young people with entrepreneurial dreams in Umeå and the region. The aim of the event is to inspire and encourage young people in Umeå and the region to want and dare to invest in their business ideas.

This year's programme includes the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences' (IVA) Prince Daniel's Fellowship project. HRH Prince Daniel will talk about his experiences of running a business, in the company of super-entrepreneurs Jonas Nordlander, Gunilla von Platen and Saeid Esmaeilzadeh. The Prince will also take part in a round-table discussion with, and give practical advice to, around 30 secondary school students with their own business ideas.

The event will also feature local entrepreneur Mattias Matsson, who will talk about his journey from electric football player to successful entrepreneur. From its inception in 2015, the company he founded, staffing and recruitment firm Professionals Nord, has enjoyed a tremendous growth journey in a highly competitive industry. The company works to create and maintain jobs in the Nord region and today has offices in many locations. Mattias is also a partner in the company Resulterna and the start-up One Group.

During the morning, the three companies nominated for the prize Young Entrepreneur of the Year at Umeågalan 2018 will be revealed and will pitch on stage.

After the programme in Väven, the Governor will invite a selection of guests to the county residence for lunch, where the Young Startup Award will also be presented.

The event at Väven will be livestreamed by Region Västerbotten.

Young Startup Day
Wednesday 19 September, morning, starting at 8.30 a.m.
Vävenscenen in Väven, Umeå (Västra Strandgatan 8, entrance from Rådhusparken or the river side)


For more information, please contact:
Kerstin Edvardsson, BIC Factory, 070-675 97 38
Emmy Ericsson, Uminova Innovation,, 070-252 48 47 Jenny Nordlöw, IVA, 070-252 96 76

Young Startup Day is organised by Umeå municipality, Ung Företagsamhet Västerbotten, BIC Factory, Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten, Uminova Innovation, Uminova eXpression, Företagarna Västerbotten and Aptum. The event takes place in cooperation with Region Västerbotten.


Full programme:

08.30 Welcome!
Moderator Maria Olofsson opens Young Startup Day 2018

08.35 Inspirational lecture with Mattias Matsson
Mattias Matsson is the founder of the staffing and recruitment company Professionals Nord. From its inception in 2015, the company has had a tremendous growth journey in a highly competitive industry. Professionals Nord works to create and maintain jobs in the Nordic region and currently has offices in several locations. Mattias is also co-owner of the company Resulterna and the start-up One Group. During Young Startup Day, Mattias will talk about his journey from electric band player to entrepreneur.

09.05 Pitch "Young Entrepreneur of the Year"
We reveal the three nominated companies for the award Young Entrepreneur of the Year at Umeågalan 2018 who will pitch on stage.

09.25 Presentation of the Roland Carlsson Scholarship
The Roland Carlsson scholarship is awarded to a student in Västerbotten who has run a UF company and aims to strengthen the scholarship holder's entrepreneurial spirit. The scholarship is awarded to a student who has distinguished himself/herself in a positive way, is a good role model and has a personal entrepreneurial spirit in his/her contact with Ung Företagsamhet.

09.30 Coffee and mingling

10.00 Stage talk with Prince Daniel and accompanying inspirational speakers
Talking about what it means to be an entrepreneur and how to go about realising a business idea is important to encourage more young people to make their entrepreneurial dreams a reality. During Young Startup Day, Prince Daniel and participating entrepreneurs Saeid Esmaeilzadeh, Gunilla von Platen and Jonas Nordlander will talk about their experiences as entrepreneurs during a stage talk.

11.00 Thank you for today!
We sum up and round off this morning's programme.


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