


On Thursday 4 June, Umeå School of Design will hold its annual Design Talks and Degree Show with inspirational speakers, degree presentations and award ceremonies. One of the prizes awarded during the ceremony for the second year in a row is The Golden seed award, created by the student group UID Climate Group. The aim of the award is to celebrate those students who consistently think about sustainability and the climate impact of their degree projects. 

This year, ten design students from Umeå School of Design are nominated for The golden seed award and the winner will be announced on Thursday 4 June in connection with the students' graduation presentations. eXpression Umeå is a proud partner in the award ceremony.

Since last year, when we awarded the prize for the first time, we have seen a big increase in conscious projects. We hope that the Golden Seed Award has something to do with that," says Lisa Selin, initiator of The golden seed award.

With this award, they want to show appreciation to those students who have a sustainable approach both socially, economically but above all ecologically. This can mean the choice of materials, minimised emissions and a circular system in which the product or service exists. The design award also hopes to inspire others to think and act more sustainably.

The ten nominated students are:

Amanda Wallgren, Bachelor's Programme in Industrial Design

Pixels - Pixels is an alternative to the existing photo app you have on your phone. It's an app that helps you delete the photos you no longer use, while making the ones you really care about even more special. This would reduce the huge amount of waste from the world's data banks.

Camilla Näsholm, Master's Programme in Interaction Design

Mycelium - a platform that helps people interested in growing vegetables to connect with each other and learn about growing together.

Elias Pfuner, Master's Programme in Advanced Product Design

Living with Fire - is a speculative project to create a vision of what the world and the societies we live in would look like if a fifth season of forest fires were an accepted part of the social landscape and ecosystem. The result of the project is an identity for new fire workers, called FireGuardians, and their tools.

Ivan Kunjasic, Master's Programme in Interaction Design

Equilibrium - Designing with living things - explores new ways of looking at interfaces and interactions between humans and living organisms, resulting in a user interface that is wearable, responsive to human tears and evolves over time.

Rebecka Rosenlind, Master's Programme in Advanced Product Design

PREGcare - The project aims to improve the experience of childbirth with a focus on the prevention of perineal hernias and levator injuries by providing pregnant couples with a preparatory package of exercises and tools.

Lucas Flynn, Master's Programme in Interaction Design

Civic Food - Luke's system proposal, Harvest Network, explores how designers can facilitate collective action that supports a local food ecosystem to proactively adapt to the coming shocks caused by climate change.

Julian Loretz, Master's Programme in Advanced Product Design

Tangible Vision - The project explores how to enable visually impaired people to play sports in gyms and other low-cost environments. The result is a range of specially designed wearable clothing consisting of a camera vest, glasses, walking sticks and shoe soles.

Patrick Birch, Master's Programme in Transport Design.

MINI Nature-X - an adventurous mobility solution for ecotourism. The user travels through nature in a gentle way while the vehicle collects data on the surrounding environment that can in itself contribute to climate research.

Christoffer Weinreich, Bachelor's Programme in Industrial Design

MoBee - a transport service for beehives. The design shows the potential for a better integration of honeybees in urban environments.

Lovisa Lund, Bachelor's Programme in Industrial Design

Moneo - a programming unit that simplifies the programming of pick-and-place robots. With the help of Moneo, the user can instruct the robot via gestures that the robot then imitates, which can facilitate production for small-scale companies. eXpression Umeå works in close collaboration with the Umeå School of Design and is a proud sponsor of The golden seed award.

Design for an ecologically and socially sustainable future is in our DNA at eXpression Umeå and by collaborating in The Golden Seed Award we can be part of rewarding the future design concepts for a sustainable future, says Marlene Johansson, CEO, eXpression Umeå.

Read more about each grant at https://www.instagram.com/uid_climate_group/
or on the website of the School of Design http://www.uid.umu.se/en/uid20/projects/

The jury includes:

Lisa Selin, BFA2
Ellinor Werner, BFA1
Inna ZrajaevaIXD1
Anna Hing, APD1
Teun Stickers, IDI
Sonya Swan, APD1
Marlene Johansson, CEO, eXpression Umeå


Marlene Johansson, CEO
eXpression Umeå

Lisa Selin, Initiator
The golden seed award

UID Climate group


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