
De vinner The Golden Seed Award 2021

De vinner The Golden Seed Award 2021

eXpression Umeå är stolt sponsor av the Golden Seed Award. Ett pris som delas ut av UID Climate group med syfte att uppmärksamma examensstudenter vid Designhögskolan i Umeå som på ett utmärkande sätt arbetat med social, ekonomisk och i synnerhet ekologisk hållbarhet. Den 1 juni tillkännagavs årets vinnare!

Här är vinnarna av the Golden Seed Award 2021:
Nedan presenteras årets vinnare tillsammans med juryns nomineringstexter.

Constance Jehu

”With this project, Connie’s goal was to dive into the complexity of tax and see if this intrinsically human system could be reframed to be more engaging for people but also more inclusive to caring for non human life entities. By using different lenses and speculative design methods to shape the design space, she explored in what ways in which these give and take system might look like in the future.

Trax, is a system which would allows for people to care about their surroundings and highlight our invisible support networks. Connie thinks that it is vital to keep applying this type of thinking throughout our process as designers: whatever the project we always need to be reflecting and designing for the impact beyond our proposals themselves.”

Mihkel Güssen

”Through designing a robotic vacuum cleaner Mihkel was exploring how designing for a circular economy changes the product. After seeing how material recycling systems are very slow to evolve and that there is no good infrastructure in place to circulate products before turning them into waste he believes that it takes too much time until we have a global circular system that doesn’t require users or companies to fill the gaps. 

In this concept Mihkel is claiming that the shortest way to reach circularity is by enabling users to have long lasting products that can be maintained and upgraded by the user. He believes that if this kind of thinking is built into the businesses it will have benefits for businesses and for the users while also being a much more ecological approach. It is truly a win-win situation.”

Sonya Swan

”In her thesis project, Sonya explored the possibilities of seaweed farming in Sweden and how to introduce this food culture to Sweden

The result is Blue Garden. A service that is introducing seaweed and connecting consumers to seaweed farmers on the Swedish West Coast, in order to reduce our climate impact on food and restore ecosystems. The service consists of a Try-out kit, a Harvest box and a mobile application, that together enables easy access to Swedish seaweed, an improved food connection and increased knowledge and awareness.”

Anna Hing

”In her thesis project, Anna focussed on exploring a holistic sustainable design process, through the lens of a future eyewear business for the Leica brand. 

The project was approached considering human-centered and environmental factors from the start and resulted in a circular design approach that balances user, environmental and brand considerations. The outcome is a system comprised of a service design, aimed to ease the searching process for the user, and a eyewear concept that is designed for circularity, by saving resources in production and keeping products in use.

It aims to inspire the imagination of a more circulare future, in which reuse services and sustainable products are the default and products are designed by considering them in a wider context.”

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