
How are business promoters challenged and developed during the corona pandemic?

How are business promoters challenged and developed during the corona pandemic?

For many companies, the past year has been one of major and transformative change. For example, companies report the need to quickly and continuously transform and evolve their business models. This is particularly true in the hospitality and retail sectors where entrepreneurs have creatively, courageously and persistently dealt with a situation where change seems to have been the only constant. New business models have emerged, new forms of collaboration have emerged and creative communication strategies have been developed. The period of corona pandemic in which we find ourselves continues to demand creative change and resilience.

The purpose of this reflection paper is to critically examine the experiences we, as business promoters, carry with us from the corona pandemic and to reflect on how the changing business environment has affected us.

Reflection questions: on being challenged and developing as a business promoter

  • How have you, as part of business support structures challenged under coronapandemin?
  • How have you, as part of business support structures developed?
  • How have your potentially changed role, mission and business development processes changed in a lasting way, that is, in a way that you believe can endure post covid?
  • Are there elements of your mission that you perform today but that you believe will not be sustainable, i.e. that cannot or should not be incorporated into a future activity?

Reading tips: article at eXpression Umeå

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The pandemic: business promoters' reflections on opportunities and challenges

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