
Patrik from Bryggverket: "Giving up was not on the map"

Patrik from Bryggverket: "Giving up was not on the map"

When the corona virus paralysed the outdoor life last spring, the brewery lost half of its sales. By quickly developing new products and collaborating with others, beer connoisseurs Patrik and Albin still managed to keep the business going. Almost a year later, the Umeå brewery has come a long way and has no plans to slow down despite the pandemic - quite the opposite.

The year 2020 would be the year of the brewery. It all started brilliantly with the move from the small enthusiast brewery in Stöcksjö, where they have been since the start in 2014, to new premises of over 380 sqm on Västerslätt. But it didn't turn out quite as they had planned.

- It was quite bizarre. We had just delivered a large order to House of Metal and was dealing with several others in parallel when we heard about a virus in Asia. We didn't think much more about it. After a while, we started to feel that it could affect us. Then in mid-late March at some point the pubs pulled all orders. It was completely dead," says Patrik Hellström, who together with Albin Stenberg runs the brewery Bryggverket.

From left Jesper, Albin and Patrik from Bryggverket.

Patrik is the type who gets into things, for real. Over the course of a year, he takes time off to read 10-15 non-fiction books on building crafts, spin 100 hours of podcasts and watch webinars with various commodity producers. So it's no coincidence that a laboratory is being built in the new premises at Västersätt, where new flavours can be calibrated to perfection. The driving force behind it is an unstoppable creative force - which, when everything came to a head, became one of the keys to the brewery's ability to set and parry the pandemic. The lab? Yes, it was hot to say the least.

- Sitting down and giving up was not an option, it was not on the map. We immediately set about finding new solutions and trying to adapt the offer. The focus was on the end consumer and grocery retailers. We developed new products in the form of alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and other non-alcoholic alternatives, as well as some new services. We put more effort into social media, different happenings, and pushed as much as we could. We had a good impact," says Patrik.

Box bike, beer ice cream and Björklöven

Albin and Patrik have a penchant for innovative solutions, a curiosity that is in the DNA of the company. Two creative ideas that stand out during the pandemic year include home delivery via their own bicycle courier and the highly acclaimed collaboration with Nya Konditoriet, where they produce ice cream based on Bryggverket's beer. 

During the pandemic, new approaches and creative solutions are needed - and there is no shortage of them at Bryggverket. Here we see the collaboration with Björklöven, Marc UÅ and Emil Åreng and Jesper as bicycle messenger.
Oil glass? No problem. A result of the cooperation between Bryggverket and Nya Konditoriet.

- We made money on the new ideas even if the margins were smaller, but most of all it made us visible. They were fun ideas that stood out and generated good PR. It helped us," says Patrik.

One collaboration they are particularly proud of is the soda and tonic that was developed together with Björklöven, designer Marc UÅ and bartender Emil Åreng. 

- Five crowns per can went to support the hockey team, which felt really fun. Björklöven's fans are incredibly loyal, says Patrik. 

Needed space through layoff assistance and drive partners

When the opportunity arose to give themselves and their employee a part-time leave, they jumped at the chance. Thanks to government support and driven partners - the year before the pandemic, United Food Manufacturers became a partner in the brewery, which contributed to an even clearer entrepreneurial mindset and security - Patrik and Albin had the time and space to think about the next step.

- We were very reluctant to bring in a partner, but in retrospect it's one of the best things we've done. They know which numbers are important, they have the stomach for the right moment and can navigate the grant jungle. Now we can focus even more on brewing beer and growing the business. United Food Manufacturers doesn't have a venture capitalist mindset but thinks 'the long game', which suits us," says Patrik.

The space created in the midst of the pandemic gave Patrik the opportunity to fine-tune the business, something that had previously been difficult to do. 

- Usually the beard is straight back, full on, but now I've had time to do more in the brewery. We have much better control over stock management, for example, and brewing is much smoother now. We now have updated checklists and schedules, everything is super structured. Having time to polish has been really good.

Aiming for new markets

Today the brewery is as active as ever. On March 1, Bryggverket released the new "The Juice" and more is on the way. Patrik looks ahead.

- Yes, there are also new soft drinks and tonics on the way, such as a gooseberry tonic. But what's really exciting is that we're starting to look at other drinks in other areas. I hope we can tell you more about that soon," he hints with a chuckle.

The new premises are also being developed.

- If or when the pandemic breaks, we will be able to invite you to a new section for both open tastings and corporate events. We are planning two afterworks a month, including quizzes and cornhole.

Despite the current circumstances, the brewery is positive about the future - with a sober attitude.

- We take it as it comes and will continue to adapt if necessary. Then you have to see it for what it is. It's just a business. Humanity and public health must take precedence over pushing bears. But when society opens up, we'll be ready. Until then, we'll keep on feeding as we are now," concludes Patrik Hellström.

Bryggverket is one of the 16 companies currently participating in the eXpression Future Retail Lab accelerator programme.

Check out brewery's website and instagram.

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