
Design for Sustainable Cities

At this event, we want to initiate a discussion about how we together build the sustainable society of the future as well as innovative and inclusive places where we want to live and work, with design, culture, and creativity as a starting point. 

To solve the climate crises and other societal challenges we face, art, creativity, and design must act together with science and technology to find new ways to change society. That is why the New European Bauhaus was initiated by Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the EU in January 2021. The initiative connects the European New Green Deal with people’s living environments to build a sustainable and inclusive future with design, culture, and creativity as a starting point.

We welcome politicians, researchers, decision-makers, architects, designers, urban planners, entrepreneurs, and others interested in the discussion. 


– Amanda Lind, Swedish Minister of Culture and Democracy

– Pia Sandvik, CEO, Research Institutes of Sweden, RISE

– Bernd Fesel, Chairman of the European Creative Business Network

– As well as many more experts, researchers, creators, and designers.



3 juni 2021 -
3 juni 2021
KL. 10:00 –
At this event, we want to initiate a discussion about how we together build the sustainable society of the future as well as innovative and inclusive places where we want to live and work, with design, culture, and creativity as a starting point.

Digitalt event