
Make a Game Weekend – med Game Hub Umeå

Learn to make your first PC-game from the ground up. Join Game Hub Umeå and The Fine Arc during a hands on digital workshop weekend.

To participate you need to be at least 18 years of age and know your way around computers – and you need to be curious about the inner workings of a game. You might be interested in programming, graphics or sound and music engineering.

The senior game developers from The Fine Arc will give you a beginner introduction with hands-on guidance. The goal is to have a playable game at the end of the course – your first PC-game!

More info and registration at Game Hub Umeå.



1 maj 2021 -
2 maj 2021
KL. 09:00 –
Skapa ditt första PC-spel från grunden med The Fine Arc och Game Hub Umeå.