
The hospitality industry in conversation about strategic communication

The hospitality industry in conversation about strategic communication

How do visitor and experience industries work strategically with marketing and communication in changing times? On 29 September at 12.00, eXpression Umeå invites you to a conversation where this question will be discussed. 

Meet Jerry Engström (Friluftsbyn, Höga kusten), Anna Axelsson (Mat och Event, Umeå) and Sara Gustavsson (Destinationsbolaget Visit Umeå), in a conversation about the past spring and summer's communication and marketing strategies. What proved successful, what do they never do again, and how do they take height for an autumn and winter that will likely continue to be marked by the corona pandemic? 

The call is livestreamed via eXpression Umeås facebook. Link to the event you will find here

The discussion is moderated by Annakarin Nyberg and is carried out within the framework of the projectSustainable tourism of the futurewhich is part of the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth's knowledge development initiative in the corona pandemic. 

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