
About expression

eXpression Umeå is an academic incubator aimed at cultural and creative companies with innovative business ideas. We are one of Sweden's leading incubators in our field and every year we support around 100 idea carriers and entrepreneurs. 

We offer personalised business coaching, workshops with experts and a creative space for work, networking and community.

Our vision is to deliver the world's best business development to cultural and creative organisations.

Innovative environments with makerspaces

Through our collaboration with Curiosum, we are able to offer incubator companies access to two makerspaces. These are two open workshops with a range of digital production and prototyping machines, such as 3D printers, advanced sewing machines, laser cutters and software for drawings and patterns. 

The workshops are run by Curiosum and their knowledgeable technicians are there to help.

The 3D Lab at Curiosum

Makerspace 1

Tools for visualisation, digital fabrication and development of ideas, prototypes and products. 

Makerspace 1 is a prototype workshop used to create ideas and visualisations for teaching, research and collaboration between companies and Umeå University. 

Makerspace 2

Innovation workshop for textile experimentation, digital fashion and wearable technology.

Makerspace 2 is a prototype workshop for textiles, wearable technology, digital fashion production and the Internet of Things. It brings together researchers, students, artists, entrepreneurs and creators to explore new ideas.

Owners and financiers

eXpression Umeå is owned by Umeå University Holding AB (75 %) and Umeå municipal companies (25 %).

In addition to our owners, we also have external partners and funders for our various projects and industry initiatives.

ASSETS Projects

Completed projects

Cultural and creative industries

Cultural and creative industries consist of companies that have cultural or other creative processes as their business concept or raw material.

The cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are a central pillar of Sweden's cultural and economic landscape. These industries, which range from music and film to design and game development, represent a unique mix of individual talent, skill and innovation.

They are not only expressions of our cultural identity, but also powerful drivers of economic growth and international competitiveness. By creating and exploiting intangible assets, businesses help to generate wealth, create jobs and promote cultural exchange.

Whether in literature, fashion, architecture or any other creative field, these industries, companies and entrepreneurs are proof of how creativity can be turned into concrete economic opportunities that enrich our cultural heritage, make places attractive and drive sustainable growth.